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  1. #1
    Ngày tham gia
    Aug 2015
    Bài viết

    AMD Knocks Intel on Power

    Even with Intel Corp.'s new focus on delivering higher processor performance per watt of energy, unveiled here at its fall Intel Developer Forum, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. maintains that its Opteron server chips consume less juice than its rival Intel's Xeon server chips, either available now or coming in the near future. AMD executives camped out at atop the Westin St. Francis hotel only a few blocks from Moscone Center West, where the developer forum took place, argued that because Opterons use less power, servers based on them will cost businesses less money to run.

    Because they use less electricity, Opteron servers also run cooler and thus require less active cooling and can also be fit more tightly together in server racks, reducing the amount of infrastructure required to run them, an AMD executive said.

    "We've got the best performance-per-watt story today," said Brent Kirby, product marketing manager for Opteron, in an interview with Ziff Davis Internet.

    The difference comes down to the companies' design philosophies. Until now, Intel has focused largely on processor speed. Chips that run faster tend to use more electricity than those that run at slower clock speeds.

    AMD's Opteron runs slower, but can be more efficient in that it gets more work done per clock. It also incorporates a memory controller, which it says saves on power consumption.

    Whereas Intel's single-core Xeons run at speeds up to 3.8GHz and are likely to come out at around 3GHz when they hit the market in dual-core configurations later this year, AMD's dual-core Opterons won't reach 2.4GHz until later this quarter.

    AMD plans to bump the dual-core version of the chip to 2.4GHz creating the Opteron Dual-Core Model 280 and Dual-Core Model 880 for dual-core processor and multiprocessor servers, respectively, within a short time.

    Given that its Opteron, which consumes a maximum of 95 watts, has an integrated memory controller, AMD argues it can measure the chip against Intel's Xeon, which consumes a maximum about 110 watts to 130 watts, depending on the exact model being measured, and the part of the Xeon's supporting chip set, called the north bridge, which integrates the memory controller.

    By AMD's math, a dual-processor Intel Xeon system based on Intel's latest Irwindale Xeon chip can consume about 50 watts more power than a dual-processor AMD Opteron system.

    A dual processor, single-core Opteron server's twin chips will consume a maximum of 190 watts, while a dual-processor, single-core Intel Irwindale Xeon DP system would include two 120-watt chips, AMD said. The company also adds the Intel memory controller, which it said public documents show consumes an additional 22 watts. Thus AMD's assessment shows an equivalent Intel machine's power consumption as 52 watts higher.

    That 52-watt difference, multiplied by 500—for a datacenter with 500 servers in it—adds up to more than a $50,000 higher cost in electricity over year, AMD estimates.

    Based on an electrical cost of 10 cents per kilowatt hour, and cooling costs, which it did not break out, AMD says a company would spend $133,152 to operate 500 dual-processor, single-core Opteron systems and $183,610 to operate dual-processor, single-core Intel Irwindale Xeon-based servers.

    AMD did not specifically compare a dual-processor, dual-core Opteron system's figures to a dual-processor, dual-core Xeon Paxville processor, as the Intel chip isn't out yet.
    _ Kỳ này Intel mệt mỏi gòi


  2. #2
    Ngày tham gia
    Nov 2015
    Bài viết
    INTEL nào giờ vậy mà, ngốn điện thấy ớn, nóng vãi hàng... Chết nữa rồi.

    That 52-watt difference, multiplied by 500—for a datacenter with 500 servers in it—adds up to more than a $50,000 higher cost in electricity over year, AMD estimates.

    Ạc ạc, đòn đánh tâm lý quá đã!

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